Octavian Scenario by John Herron This scenario is based upon the MB game of Conquest of the Empire(TM). This scenario is not 100% historically accurate in leaders, sides, or locations of cities & regions. This scenario was desgined to be foremost FUN, and with balanced (unique) forces to make each time you play different. Each side (6) has all diplomatic options open, but each of your rivals views you differently. Each side has different starting military forces. Wonders were first placed historical (as close as possible) then balanced to give each side something unique. There are 2 despotisms, 2 monarchies, and 2 republics. A total war flag is on, and governments are forbbiden to switch. THERE ARE NO BARBARIANS. Victory Conditions: 15 or more cities: decisive victory 10-14 cities: marginal victory 9-4 cities: marginal defeat 4 or less cities: decisive defeat Included ARE: Octavian.scn* Octavian.txt* Rules.txt* Enjoy, John *I do not have an Email account, so you can't write me anything! *Conquest of the Empire is a registred trademark of Milton Bradely